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Events and Callbacks Image


In the Reactive Network, reactive contracts operate within isolated environments known as ReactVMs. These contracts can process incoming events, create transactions on destination chains, and use callbacks to communicate between networks.

Event Processing

To handle incoming events, a reactive contract must implement the IReactive interface.

pragma solidity >=0.8.0;

import './IPayer.sol';

interface IReactive is IPayer {
struct LogRecord {
uint256 chain_id;
address _contract;
uint256 topic_0;
uint256 topic_1;
uint256 topic_2;
uint256 topic_3;
bytes data;
uint256 block_number;
uint256 op_code;
uint256 block_hash;
uint256 tx_hash;
uint256 log_index;

event Callback(
uint256 indexed chain_id,
address indexed _contract,
uint64 indexed gas_limit,
bytes payload

function react(LogRecord calldata log) external;

The Reactive Network feeds events matching a contract's subscriptions by triggering this method. Reactive contracts can access all EVM capabilities but are limited to executing within a private ReactVM tied to the deployer's address, preventing interaction with contracts deployed by others. Below is the react() function of the Basic Reactive Demo:

// State specific to reactive network instance of the contract
address private _callback;

// State specific to ReactVM instance of the contract
uint256 public counter;

function react(LogRecord calldata log) external vmOnly {
emit Event(

if (log.topic_3 >= 0.01 ether) {
bytes memory payload = abi.encodeWithSignature("callback(address)", address(0));
emit Callback(log.chain_id, _callback, GAS_LIMIT, payload);

More on Events →

Callbacks to Destination Chains

Reactive contracts can initiate transactions on destination chains by emitting structured log records. The format of the log event is as follows:

event Callback(
uint256 indexed chain_id,
address indexed _contract,
uint64 indexed gas_limit,
bytes payload

When the Reactive Network detects this event in the transaction trace, it submits a new transaction to the specified destination network, using the chain_id.


The Reactive Network automatically replaces the first 160 bits of the call arguments in the payload with the ReactVM ID (equivalent to the contract deployer's address). As a result, the first argument in your callback will always be the ReactVM address (of type address), regardless of the variable name you use in your Solidity code. This ensures that the transaction is authorized and tied to the correct contract within the network.

Example: Uniswap Stop Order Demo

Here’s how the Uniswap Stop Order Demo uses this feature:

bytes memory payload = abi.encodeWithSignature(
emit Callback(chain_id, stop_order, CALLBACK_GAS_LIMIT, payload);

The payload encodes the function signature and parameters needed for the stop order. The Callback event is emitted with the destination chain ID, target contract, gas limit, and the constructed payload.

More on Callback Payment →

More on Callbacks →