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Lesson 2: How Events and Callbacks Work


In Ethereum, events enable smart contracts to communicate with the external world by logging specific information when certain conditions are met. This allows decentralized applications (dApps) to trigger and respond to occurrences without constantly polling the blockchain. Events are indexed by the EVM, making them easily searchable, which is particularly useful for monitoring blockchain activities like transfers, contract updates, and price changes from oracles.

This lesson focuses on the role of events and callbacks in smart contracts. By learning how to emit, process, and listen to events, developers can create dynamic dApps that respond to blockchain changes in real-time. We will also explore how Reactive Smart Contracts use the react() method to handle events and initiate cross-chain transactions through callbacks, enabling improved functionality within the Reactive Network.

By the end of this lesson, you will learn to:

  • Define and emit events in an Ethereum smart contract.
  • Listen for and process events using decentralized applications.
  • Implement event processing in Reactive Smart Contracts.
  • Send callbacks to trigger actions on destination chains.

How EVM Events Work

When a smart contract emits an event, the event data is stored in the transaction's logs. These logs are attached to the blocks of the blockchain but don't directly affect the blockchain state. Instead, they provide a way to record and retrieve information based on the event's parameters.

Developers define events in smart contracts using the event keyword, followed by the event name and the data types of the information they want to log. To emit an event, the smart contract uses the emit keyword, followed by the event name and the data to be logged.

External applications, such as dApps or backend services, can listen for these events. By specifying the event signature and, optionally, filtering parameters, these applications can subscribe to real-time updates whenever the event is emitted. This mechanism is pivotal for creating responsive and interactive blockchain applications.

Chainlink's decentralized oracle network provides real-time data feeds for various cryptocurrencies, commodities, and other off-chain data, directly into smart contracts. Let's see how an EVM event can be used in conjunction with Chainlink's price oracle.

Defining the Price Update Event

Imagine a smart contract that needs real-time price information to execute its logic, such as a DeFi lending platform that adjusts collateral requirements based on the latest market prices. The contract might define an event like this:

event PriceUpdated(string symbol, uint256 newPrice);

This event is designed to log the symbol of the asset and its new price whenever the price is updated.

Emitting the Event

When the smart contract receives a new price update from Chainlink's oracle, it emits the PriceUpdated event:

emit PriceUpdated("ETH", newEthPrice);

In this line, newEthPrice is the updated price of Ethereum fetched from Chainlink, whose oracle is updated periodically.

Listening for the Price Update

A dApp or an investor's portfolio management tool can listen for the PriceUpdated event to trigger specific actions such as rebalancing a portfolio or issuing a loan. We will use a Reactive Smart Contract to catch these events in later lessons.

Event Processing in Reactive Smart Contracts

Reactive smart contracts must implement the IReactive interface to handle incoming events.

pragma solidity >=0.8.0;

import './IPayer.sol';

interface IReactive is IPayer {
struct LogRecord {
uint256 chain_id;
address _contract;
uint256 topic_0;
uint256 topic_1;
uint256 topic_2;
uint256 topic_3;
bytes data;
uint256 block_number;
uint256 op_code;
uint256 block_hash;
uint256 tx_hash;
uint256 log_index;

event Callback(
uint256 indexed chain_id,
address indexed _contract,
uint64 indexed gas_limit,
bytes payload

function react(LogRecord calldata log) external;

LogRecord Structure: A structured data type, LogRecord, is defined to contain detailed information about an event log:

  • chain_id: ID of the blockchain where the event originated.
  • _contract: Address of the contract that emitted the event.
  • topic_0 to topic_3: Indexed topics of the log.
  • data: Non-indexed data from the event log.
  • block_number: Block number where the event occurred.
  • op_code: Potentially denotes an operation code.
  • block_hash, tx_hash, and log_index: Additional identifiers to trace the event's origin and context.

Callback Event: An event to notify subscribers of specific occurrences:

  • chain_id: Blockchain ID of the event.
  • _contract: Address of the emitting contract.
  • gas_limit: Maximum gas allocated for the callback.
  • payload: Encoded data accompanying the callback.

react Function: A key function that handles incoming event notifications.

  • Takes a LogRecord as input, enabling reactive contracts to process event logs dynamically.
  • Marked as external, allowing it to be called only from outside the contract.

The Reactive Network continuously monitors event logs and matches them against the subscription criteria defined in reactive contracts. When an event that meets the criteria is detected, the network triggers the react() method, passing in relevant details.

Reactive contracts can access all standard EVM functionalities. However, they run within a private ReactVM, which restricts them to interacting with contracts deployed by the same deployer. This isolation ensures that reactive contracts maintain a controlled and secure environment while processing events from the Reactive Network.

Callbacks to Destination Chains

Reactive contracts can initiate transactions on destination chains by emitting log records in a specific format. These records are picked up by the Reactive Network, which then carries out the desired transactions on the relevant chain.

Emitting Callback Events

To request actions on destination chains, the user must trigger a Callback event in the Reactive Contract. Once triggered, this event is emitted by the smart contract and provides critical information that the Reactive Network needs to create and submit the transaction.

The Callback event includes the following parameters:

  • chain_id: The EIP155 chain ID of the destination network.
  • _contract: The address of the destination contract.
  • gas_limit: The gas limit for the transaction on the destination chain.
  • payload: Encoded data that specifies a function call on the destination. This data directs the Reactive Network on how to execute the intended action on the destination contract.

Here’s the signature of the Callback event:

event Callback(
uint256 indexed chain_id,
address indexed _contract,
uint64 indexed gas_limit,
bytes payload

Processing the Callback

When the Callback event is emitted, the Reactive Network detects it and processes the payload, which encodes the transaction details in a specific format. The Reactive Network then submits a transaction to the specified contract on the destination chain, using the provided chain_id and gas_limit.

Important Note on Authorization

For security and authorization purposes, the Reactive Network automatically replaces the first 160 bits of the call arguments within the payload with the RVM ID (equivalent to the ReactVM address) of the calling reactive contract. This RVM ID is identical to the contract deployer's address. As a result, the first argument in your callback will always be the ReactVM address (of type address), regardless of the variable name you use in your Solidity code.

Encoding and Emitting the Callback Event

To initiate actions on a destination chain, you can encode the transaction details into the payload and emit the Callback event. For example, in the Uniswap Stop Order Demo, this process is used to trigger token sales through the destination chain contract:

bytes memory payload = abi.encodeWithSignature(
address(0), // The ReactVM address
pair, // The Uniswap pair address involved in the transaction
client, // The address of the client initiating the stop order
token0, // The address of the first token in the pair
coefficient, // A coefficient determining the sale price
threshold // The price threshold at which the sale should occur
emit Callback(chain_id, stop_order, CALLBACK_GAS_LIMIT, payload);


In this lesson, we've explored the fundamentals of events and callbacks in Ethereum and their application in Reactive Smart Contracts. Key takeaways include:

  • Understanding Events: Events allow smart contracts to log information and interact with external applications, providing a powerful way to respond to on-chain activities without directly altering the blockchain state.

  • Reactive Smart Contracts and the react() Method: RSCs use the react() method to autonomously process incoming events based on specified criteria, enabling real-time, decentralized, and responsive contract behavior.

  • Callbacks for Cross-Chain Transactions: RSCs can initiate actions on different blockchains using callbacks, broadening their functionality beyond single-chain constraints and facilitating more complex decentralized applications.

  • Secure and Controlled Execution: The ReactVM environment ensures that RSCs operate securely by restricting interactions to contracts deployed by the same deployer, maintaining a controlled execution space.

The concepts from this lesson are shown in the Basic Demo Smart Contract use case. Feel free to explore it and join our Telegram group for additional guidance.