Use Cases
The Use Cases section primarily focuses on analyzing scenarios where Reactive Smart Contracts might be a game changer.
The Basic Demo Smart Contract is a basic use case of the Reactive Network with low-latency monitoring of logs emitted by arbitrary contracts on any chain (Sepolia testnet in this case) and enabling calls from the Reactive Network to these arbitrary chain contracts.
The Deploying Reactive Smart Contracts with Remix article is a guide walking you through deploying Reactive Smart Contracts using the Remix Development Environment.
The Uniswap V2 Stop Order Demo is a demo of a simple reactive smart contract that implements a stop order upon a Uniswap V2 liquidity pool. Study its setup and try deploying and testing it yourself.
If you have an idea for another use case, feel free to submit and turn it into a bounty, using our Unicornization or Hackathon program.
GitHub Repository
Visit our GitHub repository for all the important information on use cases and more. Clone the project and start exploring!
Get Kopli Testnet REACT
Acquire Kopli REACT tokens by simply interacting with the Reactive faucet contract on Sepolia. Follow the link below for the details.
More information on Kopli Testnet →
Environment Setup
To set up the foundry environment, run:
curl -L | bash
source ~/.bashrc
Install dependencies:
forge install
Development & Testing
To compile artifacts:
forge compile
To run the test suite:
forge test -vv
To inspect the call tree:
forge test -vvvv
Environment Variable Configuration
The following environment variables are used in the instructions for running the demos and should be configured beforehand.
RPC address for Sepolia testnet,
unless you want to use your own.
Private key to your Sepolia wallet.
RPC address for Reactive testnet, which should be set to
The private key to your Reactive wallet.
The address of your Reactive wallet.
System contract address for Reactive testnet, which should be set to 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000FFFFFF
Refer to the documentation for addresses used by Reactive testnet for callbacks on supported networks.