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Origins & Destinations Image


The Reactive Network reads event streams and enables transactions across different ecosystems. An Origin acts as an event log provider, delivering events to reactive contracts within the Reactive Network. A Destination is the ecosystem where the actual state transition (transaction) takes place.

Origins and destinations don't have to be the same. Reactive contracts can be configured to work with multiple origins, and the system allows for multiple destinations, enabling conditional selection of which destination ecosystem will be used.

Callback Proxy Address

CALLBACK_PROXY_ADDR ensures the validity of a callback transaction by checking two key conditions:

  • Reactive Network Signature: Verifies that the callback is initiated by the Reactive Network by matching the sender address to CALLBACK_PROXY_ADDR.

  • RVM ID Verification: Confirms that the callback originates from the correct reactive contract by checking the RVM ID in the transaction payload.



Not all origin chains are compatible as destination chains. Please refer to the table below before implementing callbacks.

ChainOriginDestinationChain IDCallback Proxy AddressRecommended RPC URL
Ethereum Sepolia111551110x33Bbb7D0a2F1029550B0e91f653c4055DC9F4Dd8Find on Chainlist
Ethereum Mainnet1Find on Chainlist
Avalanche C-Chain431140x76DdEc79A96e5bf05565dA4016C6B027a87Dd8F0Find on Chainlist
Arbitrum One42161Find on Chainlist
Manta Pacific1690x9299472A6399Fd1027ebF067571Eb3e3D7837FC4Find on Chainlist
Base Chain84530x4730c58FDA9d78f60c987039aEaB7d261aAd942EFind on Chainlist
Binance Smart Chain56Find on Chainlist
Polygon PoS137Find on Chainlist
Polygon zkEVM1101Find on Chainlist
opBNB Mainnet204Find on Chainlist
Kopli Testnet53180080x0000000000000000000000000000000000FFFFFF