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Origins & Destinations Image


The Reactive Network reads event streams and enables transactions across different ecosystems. An Origin acts as an event log provider, delivering events to reactive contracts within the Reactive Network. A Destination is the ecosystem where the actual state transition (transaction) takes place.

Origins and destinations don't have to be the same. Reactive contracts can be configured to work with multiple origins, and the system allows for multiple destinations, enabling conditional selection of which destination ecosystem will be used.

Callback Proxy Address

CALLBACK_PROXY_ADDR ensures the validity of a callback transaction by enforcing two key conditions. First, it checks that the callback is genuinely initiated by the Reactive Network by verifying that the sender address matches CALLBACK_PROXY_ADDR. Second, it confirms the legitimacy of the callback’s origin by checking the RVM ID embedded in the transaction payload, which should correspond to the intended reactive contract.

Mainnet Chains

ChainOriginDestinationChain IDCallback Proxy AddressRecommended RPC URL
Ethereum Mainnet10x1D5267C1bb7D8bA68964dDF3990601BDB7902D76Find on Chainlist
Binance Smart Chain560xdb81A196A0dF9Ef974C9430495a09B6d535fAc48Find on Chainlist
Polygon PoS1370x42458259d5c85fB2bf117f197f1Fef8C3b7dCBfeFind on Chainlist
Avalanche C-Chain431140x934Ea75496562D4e83E80865c33dbA600644fCDaFind on Chainlist
Base Chain84530x0D3E76De6bC44309083cAAFdB49A088B8a250947Find on Chainlist
Reactive Mainnet15970x0000000000000000000000000000000000fffFfF

Testnet Chains

ChainOriginDestinationChain IDCallback Proxy AddressRecommended RPC URL
Ethereum Sepolia111551110xc9f36411C9897e7F959D99ffca2a0Ba7ee0D7bDAFind on Chainlist
Binance Smart Chain97Find on Chainlist
Polygon Amoy80002Find on Chainlist
Avalanche Fuji43113Find on Chainlist
Base Sepolia84532Find on Chainlist
Reactive Kopli53180080x0000000000000000000000000000000000fffFfF