This section is dedicated to practical demonstrations explaining the capabilities of the Reactive Network.
Reactive Network Demo
The Reactive Network Demo serves as an introduction, illustrating the Reactive Network's functionality in monitoring logs emitted by contracts in the L1 Network and initiating calls back to L1 contracts. It outlines the interaction between three smart contracts: the Origin chain contract BasicDemoL1Contract.sol, the Destination chain contract BasicDemoL1Callback.sol, and the Reactive contract BasicDemoReactiveContract.sol.
Uniswap V2 Stop Order Demo
The Uniswap V2 Stop Order Demo extends the functionality to implement stop orders for Uniswap V2 liquidity pools. It elaborates on three smart contracts: the Origin chain contract UniswapDemoToken.sol, the Destination chain contract UniswapDemoStopOrderCallback.sol, and the Reactive contract UniswapDemoStopOrderReactive.sol, executing stop orders based on exchange rate thresholds. It also ponders potential refinements and improvements for a production-grade stop order system.
Approval Magic Demo
The Approval Magic Demo demonstrates the use of reactive and subscription-based smart contracts to enable automated token approvals and cross-chain exchanges. It elaborates on contracts like ApprovalService.sol for managing subscriptions, ApprovalListener.sol for handling reactive events, and additional contracts for token initialization, exchanges, and swaps.
Uniswap V2 Exchange Rate History Demo
The Uniswap V2 Exchange Rate History Demo captures and stores historical exchange rates from Uniswap V2 liquidity pools. It elaborates on two smart contracts: the Origin chain contract UniswapHistoryDemoL1.sol, and the Reactive contract UniswapHistoryDemoReactive.sol, which collaborate to record exchange rate data based on specific block numbers. The purpose of this demo is to monitor sync events on all Uniswap V2 liquidity pools and provide historical exchange rate information upon request.
ERC-20 Turnovers Demo
The ERC-20 Turnovers Demo records and reports the turnover of ERC-20 tokens. It details two smart contracts: the Origin chain contract TokenTurnoverL1.sol, and the Reactive contract TokenTurnoverReactive.sol, which work together to calculate and report token turnovers based on specific events. The purpose of this demo is to monitor token turnovers on all ERC-20 contracts and provide this information upon request.
ERC-721 Ownership Demo
The ERC-721 Ownership Demo tracks and reports the ownership of ERC-721 tokens. It details two smart contracts: the Origin chain contract NftOwnershipL1.sol, and the Reactive contract NftOwnershipReactive.sol, which work together to record and report token ownership changes. The purpose of this demo is to monitor token ownership changes on all ERC-721 contracts and provide this information upon request.
Reactive Faucet App/Demo
The Reactive Faucet App/Demo facilitates fund transfers between any chain and the Reactive Network. This is the same faucet that operates on our testnet. It involves two smart contracts: ReactiveFaucetL1.sol and ReactiveFaucet.sol.