This section covers RVM transaction payments, including direct transfers and system contract deposits. It also explains callback payments, on-the-spot settlements, and the pricing model for callbacks.
RVM Transactions
RVM transactions have no gas price or any monetary value. Payments occur post-factum in a later block (ideally the next one, but not guaranteed). The fee appears only then, determined by the base fee of that block. Reactscan can't directly link this fee to specific RVM transactions.
The maximum gas limit for RVM transactions is 900,000 units.
An RVM transaction happens in block n, while accounting occurs in block n+1 (or later) using that block’s base fee. However, it’s impossible to trace which specific RVM transaction was accounted for, as the block aggregates all transactions without distinction.
The Reactive Transaction Fee is determined by the formula:
: Base fee per unit of gas in the block header, ensuring alignment with the network's current pricing conditions.GasUsed
: Actual gas consumed by the reactive transaction during execution.
RNK transactions operate the same way as standard EVM transactions.
Direct Transfers
All RVM transactions must be paid in REACT by transferring funds to a specific reactive contract. A direct payment can be made as follows:
cast send $CONTRACT_ADDR --rpc-url $REACTIVE_RPC --private-key $REACTIVE_PRIVATE_KEY --value 0.1ether
After funding the contract, you must settle any outstanding debt using the coverDebt()
cast send --rpc-url $REACTIVE_RPC --private-key $REACTIVE_PRIVATE_KEY $CONTRACT_ADDR "coverDebt()"
The contract's status is available on Reactive Scan under its dedicated RVM. If active
, it will execute transactions normally. If inactive
, outstanding debt must be settled.
Depositing via System Contract
The depositTo()
method allows funding through the system contract. The transaction fee is covered by the sender (EOA), and the system contract automatically settles any debt, eliminating the need to call coverDebt().
cast send --rpc-url $REACTIVE_RPC --private-key $REACTIVE_PRIVATE_KEY $SYSTEM_CONTRACT_ADDR "depositTo(address)" $CONTRACT_ADDR --value 0.1ether
On the Reactive Network, the system contract and callback proxy share the same address: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000FFFFFF
Callback Pricing
Callback pricing dynamically adjusts based on block base fees. The cost, , is calculated as follows:
- : Base gas price, determined by
. - : Pricing coefficient specific to the destination network.
- : Gas consumed during callback execution.
- : Fixed gas surcharge for the destination network.
Callback Payment
Callbacks require the same payment mechanism as reactive transactions. If a contract fails to pay, it is blocklisted, preventing future callbacks and transactions.
The Reactive Network enforces a minimum callback gas limit of 100,000 gas. Callback requests below this threshold are ignored, as this minimum ensures sufficient gas for internal audits and computations required to process the callback.
Direct Transfers
To directly fund your callback contract:
cast send $CALLBACK_ADDR --rpc-url $DESTINATION_RPC --private-key $DESTINATION_PRIVATE_KEY --value 0.1ether
Then, settle any outstanding debt with coverDebt()
cast send --rpc-url $DESTINATION_RPC --private-key $DESTINATION_PRIVATE_KEY $CALLBACK_ADDR "coverDebt()"
Depositing via Callback Proxy
The depositTo()
method allows callback contracts to be funded via the callback proxy. The fee is covered by the sender (EOA), and the proxy automatically settles any debt.
cast send --rpc-url $DESTINATION_RPC --private-key $DESTINATION_PRIVATE_KEY $CALLBACK_PROXY_ADDR "depositTo(address)" $CALLBACK_ADDR --value 0.1ether
Implementing the pay()
method or inheriting from AbstractPayer
enables automatic settlement. The callback proxy triggers pay()
when a callback results in contract debt. The standard implementation verifies the caller is the proxy, checks for sufficient funds, and then settles the debt.
Reactive Balance
Contract Balance
To retrieve the current balance of the specified contract in REACT, run the following command:
cast balance $CONTRACT_ADDR --rpc-url $REACTIVE_RPC
Contract Debt
To query the debt of the specified contract as recorded by the system contract, run the following command:
cast call $SYSTEM_CONTRACT_ADDR "debts(address)" $CONTRACT_ADDR --rpc-url $REACTIVE_RPC
Contract Reserves
To retrieve the reserve amount (decimal) of the specified contract held by the system contract, run the following command:
cast call $SYSTEM_CONTRACT_ADDR "reserves(address)" $CONTRACT_ADDR --rpc-url $REACTIVE_RPC | xargs printf "%d\n"