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Technical and Knowledge Prerequisites for Mastering Reactive Smart Contracts


Before embarking on your journey with Reactive Smart Contracts, it's crucial to have a solid foundation in several key areas. These prerequisites will ensure you can fully grasp the concepts and practical applications of RSCs.

What You Need to Know for This Course

In this course, we aim to equip you with everything you need to grasp the basic use cases of Reactive Smart Contracts, including deploying and interacting with them. While we intend to cover all critical information, a foundational understanding of Ethereum Smart Contracts will greatly enhance your learning experience. Below, we've outlined the prerequisites along with resources to help you get up to speed.

Solidity and Smart Contract Development

Understanding the syntax and functionalities of Solidity is fundamental. You should be comfortable writing simple smart contracts and familiar with concepts like smart contracts and functions.

Educational Resource: Solidity by Example is an excellent place to start, offering hands-on examples to guide you through Solidity's basics to more advanced topics.

Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)

A basic understanding of the EVM is crucial as it's the runtime environment for smart contracts. Knowledge about how contracts are executed, how functions operate, and how transactions are signed will be beneficial.

Educational Resource: The Ethereum EVM illustrated guide provides a visual and detailed explanation of the EVM's inner workings.

Git and Command Line Understanding

Understanding basic Git commands and command line usage is crucial for effectively using the code examples that we will provide. Familiarity with an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) like Visual Studio Code can significantly enhance your coding experience.

Educational Resource: The Pro Git book offers a concise and practical introduction to Git. For command line basics, check out the Codecademy's Command Line course.

Ethereum Wallet and Test ETH

To interact with Ethereum networks, including deploying and testing smart contracts, you'll need an Ethereum wallet and some ETH on the Sepolia testnet. This setup is vital for transaction fees (gas) and interacting with deployed contracts.

Getting Sepolia ETH: Visit the Sepolia Faucet to obtain testnet ETH.

What You Don’t Need to Know Beforehand

We recognize that some topics, while not directly related to Reactive Smart Contracts, are essential for a comprehensive understanding of the blockchain landscape. To ensure you have a well-rounded knowledge base, we've included lessons on these broader blockchain concepts and tools. This means you won’t have to look elsewhere to fill in the gaps.

Knowledge of EVM Events

EVM events are a cornerstone for RSCs, serving as triggers for reactive functionalities. An understanding of how events work, how they're logged, and how to interact with them is crucial.

Educational Resource: Learn about EVM events in detail.

Decentralized Finance Concepts

Familiarity with DeFi concepts, such as liquidity pools, yield farming, and automated market makers (AMMs), will be helpful, especially for understanding real-world applications of RSCs.

Educational Resource: We'll explain some of these concepts in our next articles as we walk you through the corresponding use cases.


These prerequisites will set you up for success in mastering Reactive Smart Contracts, and fully leveraging their potential in your blockchain projects. Stay tuned for our upcoming article on EVM events that will further solidify your understanding and application of these concepts.

Remember, the blockchain space is ever-evolving, so continuous learning is key. These resources are just the beginning; dive deep, experiment, and don't hesitate to engage with the community for insights and assistance.