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Reactive Network Basics Image


The Basics section focuses on the main aspects of blockchain technology. This resource covers the following key topics:

Glossary: Start by expanding your lingo! There's plenty of vocabulary that might be confusing to grasp at first, so use our glossary to pick up new words from reactive terms to general blockchain jargon.

Prerequisites: All the technical knowledge and prerequisites you need to become a Reactive Smart Contracts pro. Unleash the full potential of Reactive tech in your blockchain projects!

Event Emission: Ever wonder how smart contracts talk to the world outside? Find out about the concept of event emission. It's like giving your smart contracts a megaphone to shout out important updates!

Oracles: Meet the unsung heroes of blockchain — Oracles! Discover how they help smart contracts tap into real-world data safely and reliably, being a trusty sidekick to fetch the data whenever you need it!

Uniswap V2: Ahh, decentralized exchanges! Uniswap V2 — a real game-changer in swapping tokens and providing liquidity in the wild world of DeFi.