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Reactive Network serves as a fully EVM-compatible interoperable execution layer, enabling developers to craft the next wave of dApps with the novel concept of Reactive Smart Contracts.

Unlike conventional Smart Contracts, Reactive Smart Contracts introduce Inversion-of-Control for the transaction lifecycle. While user input controls the flow of traditional Smart Contracts through transactions posted to a blockchain network, Reactive Smart Contracts are driven by the data flows within various blockchain ecosystems.

Through the Relayer Network, Reactive Smart Contracts receive event log streams from other blockchain ecosystems. This enables them to execute arbitrary Solidity logic based on these events, as opposed to relying solely on user-initiated transactions.

Upon execution, a Reactive Smart Contract independently assesses the necessity of transmitting data to the destination chain, allowing for conditional changes in the destination state.

Reactive Network paves the way for fast and cost-effective computation through our proprietary parallelized EVM implementation.

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